Reasons why I'm happy today: TEACHERS
Haha it's actually a very simple thing to anyone else but it just makes me happy.. On the way up to class after Physics lesson, I was walking up with Alex and others. Ms Jiang happened to be going up to class also and i said hi to her. She ignored me as she was talking to Alex. I tried to be funny and said to her once she was done talking to Alex, "Ms Jiang, i said hi to you sia." Haha then she smiled and said hi to me. We chat on the way as we walked up.. Although it was just a short while, i enjoyed it. Haha because it's my favourite teacher. Carin, i believed you know how i feel best.
Next one was Ms Ng. Thank god i found her after morning assembly and went to check with her about some POA stuff. Then talked to her at the locker area for a short while also. Double checked with the class with regards of number of people who is able to attend the lesson. Went to look for her after school and told her to have the lesson earlier. She asked me to write down the names of the people who cant make it for her lesson and the reasons. I told her that I've already done so and her reply was,"Wa, thank you so much! I love you." Haha, funny sia she. During lesson, name me as "My dear Debbie and etc.." I even asked her if her expectation for me were high as i scored a distinction for CA4 but she only said not too bad. And her short talk to our class makes me feel so touch lol.
It really feels good being able to talk to teachers you like and its 2 in a day somemore. The feeling like SHIOK sia. How I wished everyday could be today? How i wished time would stopped at that particular moment?